Resolution: Remember That the World Will Not Satisfy

Here’s another New Year’s resolution: Remember that the world has only trinkets; God has treasure. It’s amazing how much effort we put into pursuing things that are like sand running through our fingers. In the end they cannot satisfy or last. In this new year, resolve to remember that world we know cannot satisfy us and it is passing away. Teach this to your children as well.

The video below is good for teaching both children and adults. It is a humorous depiction of the utter frustration of seeking fulfillment in or from this world. The video features a pig, Ormie, who goes to ridiculous lengths to obtain some cookies that are just beyond his reach.

Many people are like this, sparing no expense in search of illusory happiness. Some practically self-destruct in their quest to fill the God-sized hole in their heart.

But it never works, because our desires are infinite; a finite world will always leave us unsatisfied. Complete fulfillment can only be found with God. For now, we walk by faith toward Him of whom our heart says, “Seek His face. Seek always the face of the Lord!”

Seeking the Lord does several things for us. It helps us to stop thinking that finite things can really satisfy us. It increasingly ends our frustrating, futile, intense pursuit of those things. As our prayerful union with God deepens, our satisfaction with Him also increases and He becomes more desirable than the things of this world. More and more we can say that God really does satisfy us.

In the video, Ormie is a very unhappy pig because no matter how hard he tries, he can’t get what he wants. And the world seems to taunt him as he tries again and again. Frankly, even if he did get the cookies, they would probably only satisfy him for about twenty minutes.

Allow the cookies to represent happiness. Ormie expends all his effort on pursuing something that this world can’t give him. An awful lot of people live like Ormie, forever chasing butterflies. Somehow they think that if they can just get the thing they seek, then they will be happy. They will not—at least not in the infinite sense their heart really desires. Wealth brings comfort, not happiness. The finite world just can’t provide what many want it to provide.

Enjoy this amusing video. Often humor registers in us because it contains an element of truth that we recognize in our own self. Laugh and learn with Ormie the Pig!

One Reply to “Resolution: Remember That the World Will Not Satisfy”

  1. This reminded me of a biblecal passage so, I went to to find the reference but, first of all, I encountered the home page’s “verse of the day” which was Matthew 6:19 about storing treasure in heaven, rather than on earth where there’s thieves, moth and such.
    Thinking that it was timely, in regards to this post and when I read it, I carried on to find the reference which I’d sought at John 4:10-15 about the Living Water which can eternally satisfy thirst.

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